• Regional Economy

  • During the period of 1994 to 2008, the City of South Haven and Casco Township experienced dramatic residential and industrial growth. While at the same time, South Haven Township experienced a small decline in industrial SEV land.

    There was also amarked increase in the SEV of agricultural land in Casco Township (287 percent). This increase indicates that a large portion of the agricultural land just outside the City has been re-appraised for its residential potential. This may encourage farmers to abandon agricultural practices on these lands and sell for largely residential purposes

    In 2011, the gains and losses are less dramatic indicating a stabilization of property values. Table 3-8 illustrates the changes in SEV for the planning area. The largest segments of change are the 33 percent drop in industrial SEV for the City of South Haven and the 47 percent increase in Casco Township in the same class.

    The increase in Casco Township may indicate that a large portion of the industrial land has been re-appraised for its full potential. Agricultural lands in both South Haven Township and Casco Township also saw modest increases. This may encourage farmers within the townships to abandon agricultural practices on these lands and sell for largely residential purposes.

    Overall, the City remained more steady in total real and personal SEV that the county for the period 2001 to 2011.