Saturday, September 24
Featuring Dennis Elkins
Listiak Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Admission $15
Dennis Elkins’ box. is told through enticing striptease of revelations. This poignant and funny solo performance is a complex and deeply felt examination of life’s unplanned turns, deliberate shifts, blind alleys, devastating losses and late discoveries. Box demands ransoming the debris from boxes tucked away in the closet and gives voice to the process of unpacking our lives. While balancing a dark core of loss and grief, exuberant humor brightens this story of holding on and letting go… or not. Box is an autobiographical journey of cleaning house after parents/children die and we, those of us who are left, must choose what to keep and what to shred. The easy solution is to dump the stuff in a box and deal with it later – but, when “later” comes, we still agonize with the left-overs in a comical way. Though a native of Elkhart, Kansas, Elkins spent several years in the academic theatre arena all over the United States. He has performed this production at the Edinburgh Scotland Fringe Festival.