August 2: Reading Circle to Center for Arts and Culture-History of the South Haven Scott Club
By Anna Krajecki
The South Haven Scott Club, one of South Haven’s oldest organizations, traces its origins to 1883 when it was formed as a reading circle. The organization has been providing cultural events and programs to the community ever since 1893 in its Michigan Historic Site. Come and learn about the rich history of the Scott Club from Anna Krajecki, long time member and Past-President, and enjoy a tour of this South Haven landmark.
All programs begin at 1:00 p.m.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s programs and concerts will be a hybrid of in-person and/or online events and will adhere to local Health Department guidelines.
All are welcome. Non-members/guests - email to request a Zoom link.
Tuesday Aug 2, 2022
South Haven Area Chamber of Commerce
606 Phillips Street
South Haven, MI 49090
Phone: 269-637-5171
Fax: 269-639-1570
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