All programs begin at 1:00 p.m.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s programs and concerts will be a hybrid of in-person and/or online events and will adhere to local Health Department guidelines.
All are welcome. Non-members/guests - email to request a Zoom link.
By Dr. Pamela Cook Miller
How can a story that is one of the oldest and most told in the history of humanity be mis-understood by almost everyone to be limited to only one animated cartoon which came out in 1950? Please join us to discover several of the most charming versions that are not widely known or told. Several rare versions will be told and discussed by Dr. Pamela Cook Miller, a performing member of the Jonesborough Storytellers’ Guild and founder of the Storytelling Resource Center in Jonesborough Tennessee.
Tuesday Jul 5, 2022
South Haven Area Chamber of Commerce
606 Phillips Street
South Haven, MI 49090
Phone: 269-637-5171
Fax: 269-639-1570
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